Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Now thats what I call Hyperbola....

However, I will not and do not congratulate him. He is a despot in the making and to congratulate him would be like thanking the guard before entering the gas chambers at Auschwitz. Thanks but no thanks. This entire congratulatory, conciliatory, thank you for screwing me in the rear attitude most conservatives exhibit was the reason for our downfall in this election. McCain practiced it with great finesse and look at him today. At his age, he had nothing to lose since he's in the twilight of his life but think about all the young people who never had a chance to grow up in the America most of us have grown up in.

This is not a day of celebration, it's a day of mourning. A National Day of Mourning.

For months I’ve been bitching about Hussein and watched this site and others call him every name in the book, all mostly justified, and for me to congratulate him now would be super hypocritical on my part.

That said, we are all free to say and do what we please in this dying Democracy so knock yourselves out.....but not me, sorry.
