Hard work but very interesting
ps. His point about Marx at the end chimed with my own take on the worst father of the 19th century
A scruff of a Chartist cum lameo Jacobin in a car crash with Kropotkin, Gramsci, Alan Shearer, Omar Little, Tom Paine, Atlee and Andrea Dworkin. Politics, History, Leftist mullings, Football, Sex, Music and Prose from the commanding heights of my bedroom.
have you heard his talks about the "new" atheism?
Thanks, Luke
Interesting, but his point about the limits of a reductionist weltanschuuang against the uncertaincy principle don't really impinge on the 'new' atheist case. This limit, as he himself concedes, was not found via sacred texts or common sense. It was found via observation and desrciption.
As a someone who does not believe that theere is a god or even a ontological need for one, I still have a respect for magic. That is mysterious eruptions on phenomena outside of our current understanding. These we must describe not via eternal equations but by a 'fuzzy' logic, or rough possibility, parable if you will. The quantum level suggests a limit or more properly a zone where mathmatical language, precise and inherently reductionist fail to truely map the terrain. We can explain its inruptions into the world above, but we have limits to our possible understanding why.
The attempts to desrcibe this zone might lack a narrative akin to that describing the orbit of the planets, where you put in X and always get out Y, but that limit is familiar to anyone charting a increasingly complex phenomena. Paul Davis has a great book out called 'God and the New Pyhsics' were he deals with the limits of a mathmatic language in complex systems and applies it to the quantum level.
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