Hoorah! Hail! Huzzah! The decadents are trampled, by that somewhat ambivalent innovation, the ballot box, no less. They who so ruthlessly bound the toilers and their literate betters from the holy language of Mr Men-esque 'difference' like taff, scottie, paki, nig-nog, shit-stabber and the merry like. They who did pollute this green (white) and pleasant volk. If only the tramplers looked good in a suit and had nice pedigrees. Such sons of council estate (and minor grammar school) soil are lacking in basic command, of both the Queen's English and over their baser instincts, but never mind.
Their policies, well, they are a mixed bag. Lets forget all this staatsocialismus, your forebears did, in a jolly instances too. On the 'other' problem, your solution merely sounds too drastic. No need to say expulsion, rather control. Cohesion, after all, is our bread and butter, saving the gemienschaft from coyly unspecified threats, though amply hinted at. So as much as we share with those national internationalist socialist socialist beating liberal liberal hating truth tellers, we cannot abide by their directness or even their clumsy untempered attempts to be subtle. One must have be more practiced in euphemising. Indigenous is good but how about 'Good hearted', 'hard working', 'success seeking', 'non-moaning', 'law abiding', John Bull in a Mondeo.
Islam. That is the key. Everything, every particle in the cosmos, every thought in every head comes down to the Mahometodanns. They hate everything that makes us great,
our personal freedoms (though they are right about the puerile promiscuity of the slags and the drunken louts plus the Sodomites, the sheer decadence of it all),
our democracy (although one has to admire the ruthlessness that they crush your fellow non-national double plus internationalist Socialists and Liberals, a possible lesson to be learn with regards to techniques),
our freedom of expression (though I would gladly place many a loud mouth in the stocks, or whatever passes these days, note to self-see what ISI are using)
our respect for women (even the ones who virtually invite rape and then run oft giggling to the abortionist, another one who deserves some jihad, I grant you)
our respect for religion (given the supreme truth of the the Christian Church.....no....not that one, full of paedos and one worldist scum....the other one)
So, as a fellow fellow after a pure and wholesome land, filled with the laughter of innocence 'hard working, common sense' children, lets us rightly rejoice in your historic victory and please don't be alarmed if you should find my light fingers in your rhetoric bag. It is the warm hearted fraternity of the national internationalist socialist socialist beating liberal liberal hating truth tellers with us humble common sensers, pessimists of the world unite and dissemble.
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