Tuesday 23 June 2009

'The worse.......the better'

I've been wanting to do my ideal type series on Neo-Conservatism for a while. Like Fascism or Neo-Liberalism, it, as a precise descriptive label albeit discursive, has been made almost meaningless in the repeated sloppiness of its use. Anything objectionable is Neo-con, anything the States does (even under Obama) is Neo-con directed, anything other than whole hearted support for 'anti-imperialist' murderers and terrorists is Neo-con.
Briefly, Neo-Conservatism is a constant exploration of the world to find a manichean division between a petrified and homogeneous sense of western/American/'Judeo-Christian' culture and some demonic other. The need for that search was a platonic view of mass society and democracy. By giving a society a sense of historic mission and a narrative of confrontation with evil, atomisation and chronic disunity and tumults might be overcome. The world must be made to be or made to be conceived as binary as to create the unity of the 'good', a useful deception/interpretation/vision beyond. Just as important is the unity of the 'bad' or other. If cracks appear in this monolith, then they must be denied or made meaningless or even threatening.
So to:
Daniel Pipes

Max Boot

Marty Peretz
(HT. George Packer)
The Iranian students, those workers out in solidarity, those ordinary citizens, those snotty leisure class-ists of John Wight's imagination, are similarly reduced by these stalwarts. They are either merely flotsam, caught up in the Great Game, as bad as the militia beating and killing them or agents whom might just ruin the whole show.
Neither (some of) SU or Commentary
Marg Bar Khomanai!

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